CPM Investigating Adobe for Deceptive Practices with Subscriptions and Inflated Termination Fees Preventing Consumers from Cancelling

CPM is investigating Adobe for its use of dark patterns and other deceptive practices to trick consumers into signing up for year-long subscriptions and hiding outsized termination fees to prevent consumers from cancelling.

The FTC has filed suit against Adobe for its years-long practice of "harm[ing] consumers by enrolling them in its default, most lucrative subscription plan without clearly disclosing important plan terms. Adobe fails to adequately disclose to consumers that by signing up for the ‘Annual, Paid Monthly’ subscription plan (‘APM plan’), they are agreeing to a year-long commitment and a hefty early termination fee (‘ETF’) that can amount to hundreds of dollars.  Adobe clearly discloses the ETF only when subscribers attempt to cancel, turning the stealth ETF into a powerful retention tool that traps consumers in subscriptions they no longer want."

According to the FTC’s complaint, "[d]uring enrollment, Adobe hides material terms of its APM plan in fine print and behind optional textboxes and hyperlinks, providing disclosures that are designed to go unnoticed and that most consumers never see. Adobe then deters cancellations by employing an onerous and complicated cancellation process. As part of this convoluted process, Adobe ambushes subscribers with the previously obscured ETF when they attempt to cancel. Through these practices, Adobe has violated federal laws designed to protect consumers."

If you feel that you were tricked into an Adobe subscription and pressured not to cancel by their hidden Early Termination Fee, you may be entitled to compensation.  Please fill out the form below.


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